Lab Renovations

Welcome to our virtual lab tour! Here, we present the progress of our lab renovations. Watch the original lab grow into the flexible, modern space in which we will pursue our energy storage, surface sciences, and catalysis research! 

This is the original lab space that was available when the Gebbie Research Group Joined UW Madison.

(December 2019)

Our earliest group photo, taken as the original lab space was being deconstructed.

(January 2020)

A photo of the first-year graduate students joining the Gebbie Lab! Ryan, Jack, and Beichen explore the original state of the upcoming lab space.

(January 2020)

While the main lab is being renovated, the Gebbie group is pursuing early directions in their research in a small, one room lab upstairs. Here, Ryan shows off one of the first pieces of equipment in the temporary space.

(January 2020)

Ryan and Beichen unbox the vacuum oven in the temporary lab space.

(January 2020)

Another snapshot of the main-room in the renovated lab, before the fume hood was relocated.

(Febuary 2020)

The fume hood has been moved to the left Wall!

(Febuary 2020)

A view from the surface forces section of our renovated lab space.

(Febuary 2020)

More progress in the temporary lab space! The graduate students troubleshoot on the first electrochemistry experiments performed in the Gebbie Lab! This photo was taken before the department was shut down due to the accelerating Covid-19 Pandemic.

(March 2020)

View of the near-complete benches and cabinets in the main labspace. This will be the primary space in which we will be working while following guidelines for safe and socially distanced research.

(June 2020)

MilliQ water has been installed! Ultra-pure water is now available.

(June 2020)

Our accent wall came in today! The color was described by one member of our group as “a bold statement of passion and scientific curiosity and a drive for understanding the unknown”.

(July 2020)

Our general-use 3D printer came in! The first test prints turned out quite well!

(July 2020)

Time to move into the new lab space!

(August 2020)

Inverted microscope and floating tables are up and running!

(August 2020)

Glove box has been installed. Not Pictured: Wall mounts for gas cylinders. Get ready for some clean electrochemistry samples!

(August 2020)

New multi-channel potentiostat has arrived! Now we can do 3x as many simultaneous electrochemistry experiments!

(September 2020)

We needed another vacuum oven for how often we’re drying and purifying samples.

(June 2021)

This is a gold-coated glass slide. We don’t own the nanofabrication center, but we now have access to these resources in our lab! You can expect to see these resources appearing in our papers.

(July 2021)

This isn’t just a copy of the image from our previous microscope above, this is a brand new microscope that will become the baseline for our advanced microscopy work with free-space lasers! We hope you enjoy the fascinating colors seen on the beam splitter (right). Stay tuned for more!

(October 2021)

Welcome our newest graduate student members, Seth, Hrishikesh, and Elvis to the group! Look at how our team has grown!

(November 2021)


Here’s a big one! The installation of the Surface Forces Apparatus (SFA) enables our group to perform unique and sensitive measurements of intermolecular forces!

(November 2021)

 Stay tuned for the installation of some exciting equipment!